by Joe Copeland | Nov 8, 2022 | PowerLift Blog
So you’ve decided that your company needs to begin a safe lifting program. Or more likely you’ve been told you have to start one by the Corporate office. Either way, it’s a good idea and one that will ultimately save you money and save your employees from injury. The...
by Joe Copeland | Aug 31, 2022 | PowerLift Blog
If you manage a team that is engaged in physical work then you’ve likely had an issue with sprains, strains and back injuries. It’s an unfortunate part of a physically demanding job. I’m not going to repeat how expensive these can be; you already know the costs...
by Joe Copeland | Jul 27, 2022 | PowerLift Blog
Sounds like an odd question, but there is a good story connected to it. Several years ago I was leading a team of 250 warehouse associates in the Midwest. The products we were shipping were generally heavy and bulky and I had an increasing number of muscle...
by Joe Copeland | Jun 16, 2022 | PowerLift Blog
What’s the big deal about ergonomics, anyway? Say the word, “ergonomic,” and most people think: computer keyboards, office chairs, oddly-shaped screwdriver handles. They may think of more comfortable grips, desks or tools. Or, they may think of modern car seats that...
by Joe Copeland | Feb 15, 2022 | PowerLift Blog
Safety Training Programs Actually have a Lifecycle For many companies, a safety training program’s lifespan goes something like this: At the corporate level, concerns about the detrimental effect of poor lifting habits (especially on the bottom line) cause management...
by Joe Copeland | Dec 14, 2021 | PowerLift Blog
But it will help to mitigate workplace injuries that are a potential problem during these challenging times. What is needed is a shift: first in the way we view safe and healthy ways to lift, and move heavy loads with our bodies, and then in how we train people to use...
by Joe Copeland | Jul 20, 2021 | PowerLift Blog
When uniqueness presents a challenge. Each one of us is shaped differently: different heights, widths, girths, etc.; with variations around every single dimension, angle, bump and section. Which is why customization is such a challenge – especially in this day...
by Joe Copeland | May 13, 2021 | PowerLift Blog
Physiology, Meet Physics… The story of the relationship between the human body and gravity began a long time ago. A very long time ago, in fact. All life on Planet Earth has grown up in the presence of gravity, and to a large extent, in response to it. The pull of...
by Joe Copeland | Mar 24, 2021 | PowerLift Blog
Levitation may one day be a thing. Maybe. And you can probably guess that we’re not holding our collective breath in anticipation. Levitation is silly (at least it is for now.) So the next best thing has got to be safe lifting and material handling techniques. But...
by Joe Copeland | Jan 27, 2021 | PowerLift Blog
Will this Flu Season Bring With It A Perfect Storm? Not if we work together. Now, we don’t think that we’re alarmist. But we’ve all been through the Seasonal Flu. Several times. But in the middle of a severe pandemic? Never. Here in the US, back in the early part of...
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