Tip the Load on a Load Without Handles

Tip the Load on a Load Without Handles

The most frequent lift on a load without handles, will be a squat lift/dead lift combination. The second most frequent lift on a load without handles, will be a back lift/dead lift combination. We must eliminate the squat or back lift with a wide stance, 45 degree...
Using the Tripod lift Technique

Using the Tripod lift Technique

It is important to know that you can’t reach all the way down to the floor with both hands without using your back. Doing this deep of a bend and then trying to lift can easily tear ligaments in your back and put you on the disabled list. The best way to get both...
Handling Long Bulky Boxes

Handling Long Bulky Boxes

So, you have to move a long, heavy box from the pallet to the stock cart and you want to make the job as easy as possible. Here is a great way to do just that. Simply position the cart in front of the pallet, then straddle the box. With your feet in a wide stance and...
Mopping the Floor – Figure Eight

Mopping the Floor – Figure Eight

The typical way that most people mop is with a figure-8 motion. The problem is that if you keep your feet pointed straight ahead, like the worker above, it will be your back that powers the mopping motion. You can easily put the work onto your legs if you learn this...
Golfers Bend

Golfers Bend

Many of us use the Golfer’s Bend technique for reaching into deep containers and for picking small objects off of the floor. Even though this is a common lift, there are some fine points about the Golfer’s Bend that we should all know. A Golfer’s Bend should never be...
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